Our origin story:

Raven & Ginnye are besties. Raven is a podcast queen and Ginnye is a word nerd. And they both like the book better than the movie. 

Together, they created Book & Bitch. A podcast that’s like the book club you’ve always wanted to join. Each episode contains backstories on the author, cultural context and significance, and writing theory. We won’t spoil the story but we’ll give you the deets to read it with fresh eyes and a new appreciation. Plus, we’re pretty damn funny.

And we love expletives. But we’re f*cking ladies and we use our swears with purpose. The name Book & Bitch is an homage to Stitch n’ Bitch. Knitting groups formed during World War II in which women came together to knit, socialize, and sometimes, talk politics. The groups became a resource and community during the war and continued well after it, with clubs meeting as recently as today. 

We continue that tradition of camaraderie and community with Book & Bitch and can’t wait to welcome you to the club. Let’s get bitchin’.